Tuesday, May 7, 2013

#7 - Deviance and Social Control

Deviance is defined as a behavior that does not conform to basic cultural norms and expectations.

What are the norms? and who determines the norm? Those factors boil down to being situational. This means that depending on the time or location (whether that being; country, city, daily setting such as school or church) of where you are at the time. The labeling theory of deviance is tricky. A behavior is marked as deviant only when a figure of authority can enforce that designation.

There are also levels of deviance that can lead to a positive social structure. For example, deviance can help define group boundaries and lead to social solidarity. Deviance is also a source of innovation. For example, if people did not stray from their suggested norms, then how would any process in life further? IF everyone continued on as they always do (how you dress, what you listen to, what foods you eat, etc.) then I think that life would be a very boring and drab existence. For me personally, embodying the norms would not be worth it. In the article titled, "Positive Functions of the Undeserving Poor: Uses of the Underclass in America", written by Herbert J. Gans, was quite interesting. I found it informative how he discussed the positive and negative functions of the undeserving poor.

A few examples of deviant behavior that I have encountered in my daily life are instances such as people crossing the street where there is not a designated crosswalk (Jay-walking) or how passengers on the train or bus who do not have any consideration and will loudly speak on their cellphone. An example that I find kind of gross but I see it so often that I am not even surprised anymore would be how individuals groom themselves on public transportation, Whether they are trimming their nails or blowing their nose onto the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I totally agree on everything you said about deviance. I mostly agree when you stated about evrybody should know there norms because when you living in a household your parents tell you or show you what the norm is however, you know what wrong and whats right. For example if you do the wrong thing you know the outcome of it. Such as if you cruse out your manager the outcome of is your going to lose your job.
